All Windows Run Commands List
All Windows Run Commands List

All Microsoft Windows Run Commands List Every Windows User Should Know Time-saving Hotkeys for Windows Run Commands. These run commands are available for almost all settings available in the Windows control panel. Some commands do not work in different Windows OS versions.

Must Read: Complete Linux Commands

List of Windows 11 Run Commands, These commands work in Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 10, and Windows 11.

Start the Command Prompt and type.

Must Read: Termux Most Hacking Commands

In this Tutorial, You will Learn:

All Windows Run Commands List Every Windows User Should Know –

CommandsOpen WordPad
winverShowing Version of Windows
wmimgmt.mscWMI Management
mobsyncSync Center
wuappWindows Update
wscriptWindows Script Host
recdiscWindows Repair Disc
syskeySAM Lock Tool
powershellWindows PowerShell
soundrecorderSound recorder
mblctrWindows Mobility Center
stikynotSticky Notes
wmplayerWindows Media Player
journalWindows Journal
regeditRegistry Editor
firewall.cplWindows Firewall
optionalfeaturesWindows Features
wfsWindows Fax and Scan
explorerWindows Explorer
migwizWindows Easy Transfer
dvdmakerWindows DVD Maker
intl.cplRegion and Language
infocardcpl.cplWindows CardSpace
desk.cplScreen Resolution
wscui.cplWindows Action Center
sndvolVolume Mixer
winverVersion Reporter Applet
utilmanUtility Manager
taskschd.mscTask Scheduler
taskmgrTask Manager
rstruiSystem Restore
fsmgmt.mscShared Folders
documentsOpen Documents Folder
videosOpen Videos folder
downloadsopen download folder
favoritesOpen Favorites Folder
recentOpen Recent Folder
picturesOpen Pictures Folder
hdwwizAdd Hardware Wizard
netplwizAdvanced User Accounts
azman.mscAdvanced User Accounts
sdcltBackup and Restore
cmdCommand Prompt
controlControl Panel
timedate.cpldate and time
devmgmt.mscDevice Manager
cleanmgrDisk Cleanup
dxdiagDirectX Diagnostic Tool
dfrguiDisk Defragmenter
joy.cplGame Controllers
gettingstartedGetting Started
iexploreInternet Explorer
inetcpl.cplInternet Options
gpedit.mscLocal Group Policy Editor
secpol.mscLocal Security Policy
mrtMalicious Software
ncpa.cplNetwork Connections
notepadopen Notepad
tabletpc.cplPen and Touch
telephon.cplPhone and Modem
dialerPhone Dialer
powercfg.cplPower Options
appwiz.cplPrograms and Features
msconfigSystem Configuration
sysdm.cplSystem Properties
mstscRemote Desktop
iexpressIExpress Wizard
fontviewFont Viewer


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